Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Lulu!

Lulu turned 2 on the 20th. China is now celebrating their Chinese New Year for the next 2 weeks, so nothing will get done until that is over. Right now our paper work is in Colorado going through a 9-11 day critical review where it is examined 3 different times then is prepared for translation, and bound into a nice book with mounted pictures of our family. Please pray that everything is ok and arrives safely in China soon.

This month we  have been really working on our budget. Our biggest fees are ahead and we have been thinking about taking at least 2 of our kids with us, but I believe we still have at least 6 months to go which is good for spreading out what is left.

One of the areas of our budget I have been working hard on is our grocery bill. (I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but believed I was already doing everything I could do and that we just have a large family) I was hoping to cut it by $400. Yes, that's right, $400! So far we are on track. We have 1 1/2 weeks left to go for January, and I think we might be really close to making it! I don't even know what I have been doing to slash it really, but I think I have been planning out every meal much more diligently than before, and I have not been buying as much snack food, I think! I also took an inventory of what I had on hand already, so that has helped too! It's almost fun because it's a challenge!

Verses really speaking to me this week:
Hebrews 12:1-2
These verses tell us to fix our eyes on Jesus and the goal/dream/race marked out before us. A wonderful speaker I heard yesterday reminded me that we are not to look at others during our race, (especially not the negative people, but also not the applause) we are to fix our eyes on the race marked out before us, stay focused on the goal! I will stay focused on the goal God has put before us!

1 comment:

sasha parker said...

such a great reminder.... don't look at the other people during my race. I really needed to hear that. Stay fixed on the prize... Jesus.
Thank you!